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How to Get Rid of Mice in 7 Days – Without Using Any Poisons or Nasty Traps

You will get your money back if you see a mouse in your house after 1 week of using this solution


Discover why people in the United States no longer use traditional mouse traps....

You've probably got mice in your house. And no matter what you do, they always seem to be one step ahead of you. They're like little ninjas, scurrying around in the night and avoiding all traps. But don't worry - I have a solution for you. Just keep reading…

Traditional mouse traps simply do not work:


Mice: the bane of every homeowner's existence. Sure, you could go the conventional route and try to trap them with a mousetrap, but those things never seem to work - the mice just eat the bait and go on their merry way. You could try poison, but who wants to deal with the smell of rotting mice? And exterminators can be very expensive.

But the worst thing is that even if you finally get rid of mice, they will return the same way they came in the first place.

I tried every possible way to get rid of them, but they just kept coming back. It took me a while to find the right solution, but I'm going to share it with you so you don't have to go through the same trouble.


What really helped me get rid of those pesky mice was a tiny device called the Ultrasonic Mice Repeller. It worked like a charm! Imagine a flip switch that turns off these pesky little creatures… That’s exactly it! I plugged it into my wall and just a few days later, they were gone!

The Ultrasonic Mice Repeller emits high-frequency sound waves that are inaudible to the human ear, but extremely irritating to mice. These high-pitch sounds can be heard by rodents and cause them to flee their hiding places. Mice just leave your house on their own. No chemicals or nasty poisons are needed. Once they are gone, they are gone for good. Mice will never return as long as you have the Ultrasonic Mice Repeller protecting your house.

How much does it cost?

I got my Ultrasonic Mice Repeller from The price of this device is usually close to $100, but right now they are running a promotion and you can get it for only $29.99! That's right, for the low, low price of less than thirty bucks you can be mouse-free for life!

How fast is shipping? is a company based in North America. They have several warehouses in the United States and Canada. Standard delivery within the United States and Canada takes less than a week, and orders over $100 qualify for FREE shipping. If you need it sooner, you can pay a little more and receive your order in just a few days.

Get Results or It's FREE

“We at stand behind our products. If you still see mice in your house after a week of using Ultrasonic Mice Repeller, we'll give you your money back no questions asked. Simply mention "Get Results or It’s FREE guarantee" to our customer support and they'll process the refund right away”

How to Use the Device:

✅ Each device has a coverage area of up to 800 square feet. If your home is 3,000 square feet, for example, I recommend purchasing four of these devices. That's exactly what I did.

✅ Obviously, the more devices you have, the better, but even one Ultrasonic Mice Repeller should suffice in a small house or apartment.

✅ When you receive your order, simply plug it into a standard electrical outlet. Closer to the floor is preferable, but keep them at least 1 foot above the floor.

✅ In 1-2 days, you should notice significantly fewer mice, and all mice should be gone within a week.

Where to Buy This Device?

Be wary of low-quality knockoffs that do not work. is the official distributor.

Ultrasonic Mice Repeller official website here.

UPDATE: As of , has only 20 units remaining at the discounted price of $29.97. After those 20 units are sold, the price will rise to $59.97.