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How To Get Rid of Bats in Less Than 7 Days
| by Mark Reed
Bats can be a real pain to deal with. You're terrified of sitting on your porch in the nights, so instead of relaxing, you flee and hide inside. Or you are tired of hearing noises from your bats invaded attic! I'm not sure if bats are necessarily considered "pests" but I know that I don't want them living around my house!

Here are 4 of the most popular solutions that actually don’t work:

Poisons. his is the absolute worst thing you can do to your home. Bats can die in hidden places and begin to rot. That is most clearly not the desired outcome. Some states prohibit the removal or killing of active bats, particularly during certain seasons such as summer, which means you could face criminal charges for hurting them.

Conventional bat boxes. If you are dealing with a bat infestation in your home, putting a bat house on the outside is simply too close for comfort. The bats do not WANT to reside in the bat house; they want to dwell in YOUR home, where they will be warm, safe, and comfortable. If you really want to get rid of them bat boxws are not a solution.

Securing your home's entry points so bats can't get in. This method may work for larger pests, but it will not work for bats. A bat can fit through spaces, little gaps and cracks, as small as size of quarters, so it may be difficult to prevent all possible access.

⚆ The last option is to hire exterminators. But those are ridiculously expensive, and you have to keep paying them over and over. The worst part is that bats simply return after a month or two.

I've been battling bats for months. They drove me insane with their creepy nighttime noises. I could not go to my yard because they were flying around the whole evening. I needed something that will get them off my backyard!! Finally, I came up with a solution that worked flawlessly. And I can't wait to tell you about it. I hope it works for you too.

Meet the Ultrasonic Bat Repeller

I found an Ultrasonic Bat Repeller to be very useful. It worked perfectly. Consider a button that wipes bats... That's precisely what I mean. I placed it around my backyard, and bats never returned.

The Ultrasonic Bat Repeller emits high-frequency sound waves that humans cannot hear but are extremely irritating to bats. Because bats can hear these high-pitched sounds, they will avoid your backyard. Batboxes, poison, or exterminators are not required. Bats will never return to your yard if you have the Ultrasonic Bat Repeller in place. Once they're gone, they're gone for good.

✅ It has a motion-activated flashing light that, along with sound waves, further scares bats.

✅ The Ultrasonic Bat Repeller is powered by the sun. There is no need to be concerned about batteries or their charging. You simply install it and then forget it.

✅ Each device covers about 1000 square feet. One device will suffice if you have a small yard. If you have a larger yard, consider purchasing two or four of these devices for greater protection.

How much does it cost? is where I purchased my Ultrasonic Bat Repeller. This device is normally priced around $100, but they are currently running a promotion that allows you to get it for $49.99.

UPDATE: As of they only have 17 units left at this price. After these 17 units are gone, the price will rise to $99.99.

Click Here to See if the 50% Discount is Still Available
How fast is shipping?

Super-fast! is a North American company. They have warehouses in both the United States and Canada. Standard delivery takes less than a week within the United States and Canada, and orders over $100 qualify for FREE shipping. If you need it sooner, you can pay a little more and get it in a few days.

Get Results or It's FREE stands behind their products. If you still have bats in your backyard after a week of using Ultrasonic Bat Repeller, they will refund your money and you can keep the device. Simply contact them via phone, chat, or email. Their customer service is available 24/7.

Finally, here's what people are saying about Ultrasonic Bat Repeller:

Karina Weber · New York, NY
We had a couple bats that loved our outdoor patio in the covered portion. After reading all the reviews, I decided to give it a try "hoping" it would work. I followed the instructions completely and they have disappeared! The have been gone the last 3 nights; no more nasty bat poop! We are going to leave it up there for about a month just to make sure they do not return!
· Reply · 9 · 2:05 PM
Stephen Paul · Atlanta, GA
This repeller worked great! We moved into a new house and found bats living in our attic. Thankfully we weren't infested, but there was definitely at least one brown bat. We tried to figure out what the most humane way was to get rid of it and were coming up empty handed until we found this. We set it up one evening in our yard, cleaned up all signs of the bat, and waited a few days. Went back up and checked and found some signs of the bat still being there, but much less. Cleaned again and checked a few more days later, and no signs of the bat. Very pleased with this purchase.
· Reply · 15 · 8:35 PM
Nicole Wade · Los Angeles, CA
I would highly recommend this product to anyone who has a bat problem. We live in Mexico for 5 1/2 months of the year. We have a palapa (an open-sided covering with a thatched roof made of dried palm leaves) and bats like to roost in it during the night. Every morning before we would enjoy our coffee, the table and chairs that sit beneath the palapa needed to be disinfected and the floor swept because of the bat droppings. Now, with this bat repeller instaled NO MORE BAT DROPPINGS. Bats moved out! I'm an animal lover and I like the fact that it doesn't hurt them. It just moves them. I was somewhat skeptical when ordering ... hoping the silent (to our ears) sonic noise would be loud enough for the bats to hear over the ocean and it is.
· Reply · 24 · 10:11 AM

Where to Buy This Device?

BEWARE of low-quality knockoffs that do not work. The official distributor is

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